Township Manager
The Township Manager is the chief executive and administrative official of Byram Township, as provided in N.J.S.A. 40:69A-95. The Office of the Manager shall include the following functions:
A. Budget.
B. Personnel.
C. Disaster control and emergency management.
D. Local public assistance.
E. Such others as may be assigned from time to time by the Township Council.
The Township Manager prepares the budget, appoints and removes department heads, other officers, subordinates and assistants. He oversees the day-to-day workings of the township. He negotiates contracts for Byram Township. He also attends Council meetings where he may participate in discussions, but not vote on issues.
The following shall be the Township administrative organization. Each office and department shall be under the direction and control of the Manager:
A. Offices of Manager and Clerk.
B. Offices of Attorney and Engineer, whether as employees or as professional contractors.
C. Municipal Court.
D. Finance Department.
E. Police Department.
F. Public Works Department.
G. Office of Planning and Development.
H. Fire Department.
I. Recreation Department
J. Rescue Squad.
Joseph Sabatini
Township Manager
973-347-2500 x129
Phil Crosson
Deputy Manager
973-347-2500 x161