Volunteers Openings

Board of Health Vacancy

Board of Health - Deals with environmental health issues, septic and well testing, food establishment licensing, and Public Health Nursing Services. Meets the fourth Tuesday of every other month via zoom at 7:30 PM

 One seat open.

If interested please send a letter of interest and resume to the Township Clerk, Cindy Church at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Environmental Commission

The Byram Township Environmental Commission (EC) is looking to fill two (2) alternate seats.  The Environmental Commission meets the fourth Thursday of each month.  This active committee takes the lead in natural resources planning to conserve the natural resources of the Township. The committee holds several environmentally related events such as trail clean-ups, annual Arbor Day event as well as actively seeks grants.   In addition, the committee reviews Planning Board applications.   If interested, please email a letter of interest and resume to the Township Clerk, Cindy Church at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).





Open Space

The Open Space Committee is looking to fill one (1) public member seat.  The committee meets via zoom the second Monday of every other month at 7:30pm.  If interested, please send a letter or interest and resume to the Township Clerk,  Cindy Church at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Recreation Committee

The Byram Township Recreation Committee is looking to fill one alternate member seat.  The committee meets the 2nd Tuesday every month at 8 p.m. at the Municipal Building.  If interested, please email a letter of interest and resume to Township Clerk, Cindy Church at  c.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).